Monday, February 6, 2012

this is kind of how I'm feeling today: alittle tired, alittle mopey. i think its coming off a great birthday celebration and finishing the first book of The Hunger Games has me in a bit of a daze. in truth, theres a lot going on, and its probably time to sit down and deal with it all, but...i don't wanna.

i couldn't really gather my thoughts, so i decided to leave blogger up, and when/if i formed complete sentences or thoughts, id write them as they came.

things that made me happy today:

the moment where you think you're out of your medicine and you find some stashed away in a pretty monogrammed pill case used just for emergencies like this.

literally feeling hungover from The Hunger Games. I read it in 5ish hours, and to say I'm obsessed is a gross understatement. i brought the 2nd one to work, but I'm too afraid to read it here out of fear that i wont stop. it was soooo good. i know its meant for the reading level of a 13 year old, but uh uh, my college degree & i enjoyed every second of it.

realizing I'm  beyond blessed by the people in my life. this weekend, i celebrated my 23rd birthday {a few days early...} with friends + mom & aunt Kathy. it was so much fun! we truly had a great time. i was blessed with amazing gifts. gifts that were so me, so thoughtful, and so fabulous. {post on birthday loot, maybe, coming soon!}

the moment where you finally see yourself as other see you. homegirl needs to get back on the elliptical and in a hurry. woof. {at least my hair looked good--see below}

big, fabulous hair. but not iPhone picture quality. {GIVE ME YOUR PHONE, MA!}
the moment where you know something is missing. a new TV show to be exact. lets face it, a lot of things are missing from my life, but this one i can pin-point & solve. it (finally) dawned on me when a man friend stopped by the house, and he walked in and heard The West Wing booming from my upstairs TV, and asked "of course, your show is on..." enter: Downton Abbey. damn you bloggers, you've sucked me in! I'm debating joining Netflix for a month just to catch up on season1.

having a dad that is retired is really great....sometimes. I'm pretty sure hes pulling out pieces of his Mercedes, so he can come down to where i work and have it repaired. this seems to happen around lunchtime. therefore, I'm going on week 2 of lunches with my papa.

blah. i just want to go home & read Catching Fire (the 2nd Hunger Games book)

hope y'all are having a better start to the week than I seem to be having...
xo raa

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