Monday, January 14, 2013

Golden Globes

I, just like every other red-blooded woman, loves award season. Lets be clear though, when I say I love it, I mean I read people’s tweets and switch between the actual award show + Frasier. {all about honesty here, folks.} I do watch the red carpet; {nope, that’s a lie. I watch it the next morning with coffee.} I’m currently waiting for the recap from my mom.

In all honesty, I feel like the award shows are to celebrities as the bar in Tallahassee during the Holidays is to non-celebrities me.  You see a bunch of people that you know, but either don’t actively keep up with or have already slept with and ruled out. They’re all corralled into a room with booze. Of course your excited to see each other! Its just we are drinking PBR, and at the Globes, they’re drinking Dom. You say tomatoe, I say tomato. <---I don't know why I can't get this paragraph to be centered. Sorry?

Overall, there weren't a lot of looks that stood out to me. These two were my favorites: 

I love anything Jessica Alba does. Her day to day style is something worth paying attention to. She is proof that Brad Goreski knows his shit. 

Jennifer Lawrence appears so down to earth, right? Her "I beat Meryl!" was so funny. As someone who had the First Wives Club soundtrack, I laughed out loud. I'm not totally sold on the top of the dress, but I don't hate the look as a whole.

Ugh, T-Minus 3 hours until I'm back to the real world of work

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