Thursday, April 26, 2012

TV Thursday: Big Haired Broad

I think I should start to put the 3 hours/day I spend watching television to use. TV Thursday will be my second attempt at a blog series. Maybe this one will stick.

i dont know about you, but i can think of two women who influenced me most. 1: my mom (duh) and 2. Julia Sugarbaker. Sure, i spent mornings watching Dark Wing Duck and Rugrats, but when 8am rolled around there was one show: Designing Women.

Centered around four women and a design firm located in Atlanta, the show was my first look at adult women and how they behaved, coped, amd lived...well, adult lives in the south. Julia was the sort of matriarch of the show played by the one and only, Dixie Carter. She had a knack for saying exactly what she thought. I learned that saying what was on my mind could be done in a different way, a professional and charming way. In short, there was another way to stand up for yourself other than my dad's pearls of wisdom: "dont take shit from anyone."

I finally broke down and purchased the season one and two dvds of Designing Women. bliss.

If you haven't ever seen the show, i really encourage you to watch.

This is the second episode, Julia is sticking up for her little sister and previous beauty queen, Suzanne. If I had a sister, I would not hesistate to reacting like this!

This is early on when they take on a funeral for a man who is dieing of AIDS, just to show the broad spectrum of topics and of course, Julia's kick ass response to an ignorant mess of a woman.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhhhhh Dixie Carter ... a truly bold woman! Love her. Designing Women used to be my fave show.
