Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bartlet for America

to say that I'm interested in politics is a gross overstatement. i think I'm more so overwhelmed by them than anything.

with that said, if real life politics reflected the dedication to service, integrity, and humanity (and humor) that the West Wing portrays politics as, i would've traded my merchandising classes for political science classes a few years back. but they don't, so i didn't. instead, i earned my degree and the West Wing DVDs haven't left my DVD player since the first time they entered five years ago.

I don't know how many of my friends watched The West Wing while it was on the air, but I know i certainly did not. i used to grumble and gripe when my parents turned it on, and i went to my room to, probably, watch some other trash-ass sitcom. what a mistake.

i was drawing a blank on inspiration today. honestly, i was just craving a good happy hour, so i needed a subject to write about that came naturally. enter: The West Wing.

Season Four Episode 1

Season 6 Finale

both of the videos above focus on key speeches in various times within the series. One is a reaction of a domestic terrorism attack, and one is seemingly, an acceptance speech by the President Bartlet's soon to be predecessor.

Season 3 Episode 1 "Isaac and Ishmael"

I don't remember which episode this is, but I know its in season 1 or 2.

Aaron Sorkin is a god.

Season 6: King Corn

and finally, not only is the subject of The West Wing amazing, the music producer was incredible. half of the impact came from the music that corresponded with the scenes. true magic.

this post is kind of like when i meet guys at the bar, and after the common exchange of "getting to know you" questions, right before i decide if I'm going to accept their free mic ultra, i ask: "so have you ever seen The West Wing?"

i am a mess.
xo raa

1 comment:

  1. 1.) at least it's a political show and not jersey shore. 2.) my ap american gov't teacher would let us watch west wing when there was nothing to do or she was absent, and that was the only time i've ever watched it... but I love it.. a lot. i really should watch the whole thing.
