Friday, March 2, 2012

sunshine award

this is neat! I want to first off, say a big thank you to Christina May for tagging me in this. I've never been tagged before!

The rules:

1. Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog.
2. Answer 10 questions about yourself.
3. Nominate 10-12 other fabulous bloggers.
4. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
5. Share the love and link the person who nominated you.
Here are the 10 Sunshine Award questions:
Favorite color? pink! green! teal! too hard to choose :)
Favorite animal? talulah grace amy of course!
Favorite number? 5pm. the time of happy hour.
Favorite non-alcoholic drink? diet coke or Dr. pepper. i love all sodas. its my downfall. (as if i only have one downfall. ha.)
Prefer Facebook or Twitter? twitter!! love me some twitter!
My passion? creating. (shopping was too...ridiculous)
Prefer getting or giving presents? this is i love all parts, the planning, the shopping, the wrapping.
Favorite pattern? leopard. always have, always will.
Favorite day of the week?  any day spent lounging around the house.
Favorite flower?  I'm not a huge flower person? i like fake ones that don't require watering? i really like fake peonies from Pier One. side note: my mom HATES pointsettas, and she honestly debates disowning me every Christmas because i actually like them. moving on...
I didn't nominate anyone because I'm on my lunch break and I'm lazy...BUT! this can lead into my saying a quick word on how incedibly thankful i am to be apart of the blog community. reading these blogs everyday keeps me focused, energized, and excited about life. these women always have so much going on {new adventures, babies, name it!}. thank you to all the ladies/gentlemen/companies who blog!
PS. I've been trying to look like a human at work. see, mom! i did my hair THREE times this week.

happy weekend & Thanks to Christina May again! {check out her blog: The Andrews Update for posts on her darling family, outfits, and home!}
xo raa

1 comment:

  1. what a co-inky-dink. i LOVE fake peonies from pier one too. i actually have one in my room :)
