Thursday, June 7, 2012


yello + navy

Happy Thursday, y'all! I am loving navy & yellow right now! I don't have tons of yellow in my closet, and according to my polyvore..that is changing asap. confession: i think it may have to do with the CNBC's special on Mickey Drexler, and how he always looks for yellow to pop in the J.Crew stores. Speaking of, did y'all see the special? life changer. "cut back. sell out. buy more great products!" AMEN!

did anyone catch the premier of RHONY? i admit, i slept through it, but I'm so, so curious as to how it went??

there are some seeerrious things goin' down in the life of rachelamy. wowza. as they say, "times they are a changin'"

you know what doesn't change? (and god willing, never will) good times with good friends, family, and drinks!

Rebecca and I watching Game 3 of the Heat vs. Celtics! Heat lost, but the night made up for it in fun memories and pretty pictures! (what...a true sports fan..)

this is Talulah being clingy because she knew i was about to leave. you can't see it, but I'm wearing a dress from The Webster collection at Target. runs really big, but super cute & comfy. This was before Midtown's Bar Crawl to support The Tallahassee Ballet. What an awesome event! The swag bags were out of control, not to mention the weather was incredible. One of my favorite events I've been to recently.

I'm a picky drinker. the bartender was finally able to make a surprise drink that I didn't cringe at (this coming from the Mic Ultra, $7 bottle of wine drinker)! I loved our summer inspired drinks--so festive. Lauren over at La Petite Fashionista would be proud!

there is a local Cuban restaurant that is incredible. one of the main reasons is this drink: The Gordo's Smash. Us grown folk have to split it in half to ensure we can walk in a straight line and/or drive home, but let me tell tastes just as good as it looks.

today was kind of just a mash up of recent happenings, which i think will be my regular until i get some semblance of normal in my life. (ha! please!)

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