Tuesday, June 19, 2012

on my radar..

about once a month i go through the need to completely overhaul my house. luckily for my sanity, i have absolutely no funds to follow through. with that being said, there are a few websites and items that have been on my mind as of late.

Circa Who

i found this store through one of the blogs i follow--I'm sorry, i cant recall--it is located in West Palm, and is amaze balls. I mean, every item is exactly what I've been looking for. their prices aren't awful either.

i really love this as a entertainment system with the TV mounted above. ugh, i want,want,want! Its only $375+$275 for wrapped shipping. seriously debating if certain things fall into place... ;)

this piece is out of my price range, but since when does that stop me? I love this dining table, and I imagine it with these chairs from Overstock.Com (<--which incidentally, i forget about all the time..what a fantastic site!)


this Etsy site is so darling; I've had my eyes open for throw pillows for sometime, and i just love these...so different & fun! the middle picture of wall art, and i think it is a relatively new product, but what a neat idea!

id be lucky if these were the only things on my brain lately, but i just wanted to touch base with my little blog that could.

ps. have y'all read 50 Shades of Grey? I know its not award winning writing, but as someone who has never read books with this sort of story....i was hooked! i found myself deeply enthralled in their, albeit, strange love story. it took me a few days to step back and realize that type of love and i are never ever going to match. i don't know if that's a good or a bad things. hmph. 

pps. happy fathers day to my sweet,sweet papa. i am so thankful to have been raised by a stay at home dad who taught me so much! he taught me to never take shit from anyone (his words, not mine. occurred when i was 5 at the McDonald's playground after a boy threw a ball at me while we were in the bouncing ball bin), to always know when to walk away from something that isn't working, to try and be friends with everyone, to never go to bed upset with mom, to be fiercely and unforgivably loyal, and most importantly, he brought me into this world and he'd take me out.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the teachings from dad, esp. the McDonalds convo! :)
